Lab Exam Registration is Open.
The next BE-SAFE! Hands-On Skills Verification Exams will take place at the ASMBS Annual Meeting 2025 in National Harbor, MD (Washington, DC). Secure your spot and demonstrate your expertise in bariatric endoscopy skills.
Date: Monday, June 16, 2025
Session 1: 2:00–3:30 PM EST
Session 2: 4:00–5:30 PM EST
Welcome to the ASMBS / SAGES Video Curriculum leading to BE-SAFE! the new ASMBS / SAGES verification examination for Bariatric Endoscopy. BE-SAFE! stands for Bariatric Endoscopy- Skill Acquisition Focused Evaluation ASMBS and SAGES have worked together to develop a verification process for members with experience in performing bariatric endoscopy to verify they have acquired the necessary skills to perform these procedures. We believe strongly that surgeons should be performing endoscopy and hope to further strengthen our important role in endoscopic treatment of bariatric patients.
Candidates are required to have performed at least 50 upper endoscopic procedures and then complete the video curriculum before taking the qualifying written exam. After passing the qualifying written exam, candidates will then be able to register for the BE-SAFE! hands on skills verification exam.
The video curriculum is free to ASMBS and SAGES members. Watching all 8 videos is required for entry into the qualifying written exam site.
- Step 1
- Watch Videos
- Step 2
- Take Written Qualifying
Exam $150 - Step 3
- A Score of 70% or Higher on the Qualifying Exam is Required to Register for BE-SAFE!
- Step 4
- Register for BE-SAFE! Bariatric Endoscopy – Skill Acquisition Focused Evaluation $995